Published Papers



Mugobo, V. 2021.  The global economy and internationalisation: hurdles confronted by South African clothing retailers. Journal of Business and Retail Management Research (JBRMR).

Mugobo, V and Mutize, M. 2020. An analysis of Granger causality between sovereign credit rating and economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa. Investment Management and Financial Innovations Journal, Volume 17(4): 1 – 9.

Mugobo, V and Abe, I. 2020. Low research productivity transformation, institutional and leadership concern at a South African university. Perspectives in Education. Perspectives in Education.

Mugobo, V, Iwu G. C, Opute, A. P, Adeola, O, Okeke-Uzodike, O, Fagbola, O and Jaiyeoba, O. 2020. The Covid-19 pandemic and implications for businesses: an innovative retail marketing viewpoint. The Retail and Marketing Review: Special Covid-19 Edition: Vol 16 Issue 3 (2020) ISSN: 1817-4428.

Mugobo, V and Pooe, B. 2020. The evaluation of the supply chain management challenges South African fashion designers experience in the retail clothing environment. Journal of Business and Retail Management Research (JBRMR), 15(1): 69 – 82.

Mugobo, V, Iwu G. C, and Mutize, M (2018). Working the conundrum in public-private partnerships (PPPs) for community benefit in South Africa. Demography and Social Economy, 2 (33) 130 – 139. ІSSN 2072-9480.

Mugobo, V and Mutize, M (2018). The Nexus between Johannesburg Stock Exchange and the United States Unemployment Rate Announcement: An Impulse Response Analysis. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 3, p. 160-168. ISSN 2220-6140.